Inspiration - Shizuko Kuroha at Nadelwelt
I have just returned from a short trip to Germany, where I was lucky enough to see an exhibition of Shizuko Kuroha's quilts at Nadelwelt in Karlsruhe. Shizuko Kuroha is one of my favourite quilt artists and I have previously posted a review of her beautiful book, which is well worth having a look at if you love indigo fabrics!
To see Shizuko Kuroha's work close up was a real treat. She often uses vintage Japanese fabrics, allowing the faded beauty to add to the character of the finished quilt. Another aspect I admire in her work is the fact that most of her quilts are both pieced and quilted by hand, which is something I would love to do some day, as I feel hand sewing allows for antique cloth to be treated with respect and care.
I was able to buy a little bundle of woven Japanese indigo fabrics (not vintage unfortunately!) and am looking forward to starting a little project inspired by these wonderful quilts.
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